How to Remove the First/Last Word from Text string in Cell


This post will guide you how to remove the first and the last word from a text string in cells using a formula or User defined function with VBA code in Excel 2013/2016/2019/365. How do I use a formula to remove first and last word of a text string in Excel.

1. Remove the First Word from Text String using Formula

If you want to remove the first word from a text string in cells in Excel, you can use a formula based on the RIGHT function, the LEN function and the FIND function. Like this:

=RIGHT(B1,LEN(B1)-FIND(" ",B1))

Type this formula into a blank cell and press Enter key on your keyboard and then drag the AutoFill Handle down to other cells to apply this formula.

remove first last word in cell1

2. Remove the Last Word from Text String using Formula

If you want to remove the last word from a text string, you can use a formula based on the LEFT function, the TRIM function, the FIND function, and the SUBSTITUTE function. Like this:


Type this formula into a blank cell and press Enter key on your keyboard and then drag the AutoFill Handle down to other cells to apply this formula.

remove first last word in cell2

3. Remove the First Word from Text String using User Defined Function with VBA Code

You can create a User Defined Function in VBA to remove the first word from a text string in Excel by following these steps:

Step1: Open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) by pressing Alt+F11.

Step2: In the VBE, click on Insert -> Module to create a new module.

Step3: In the module, enter the following code:

How to Remove the FirstLast Word from Text string in Cell vba 1.png
Function RemoveFirstWord_ExcelHow(ByVal inputString As String) As String
    Dim firstSpaceIndex As Integer
    firstSpaceIndex = InStr(1, inputString, " ")
    If firstSpaceIndex > 0 Then
        RemoveFirstWord_ExcelHow = Mid(inputString, firstSpaceIndex + 1, Len(inputString))
        RemoveFirstWord_ExcelHow = ""
    End If
End Function

Step4: Save the module and return to the Excel workbook.

Step5: In a blank cell, enter the following formula:


Where B1 is the cell that contains the text string you want to remove the first word from.

Step6: Press Enter to display the result.

How to Remove the FirstLast Word from Text string in Cell vba 2.png

4. Remove the Last Word from Text String using User Defined Function with VBA Code

If you also want to remove the last word from a text string in excel using a User Defined Function with VBA code, and you can refer to the above steps, and just using the following code:

How to Remove the FirstLast Word from Text string in Cell vba 2.png
Function RemoveLastWord_ExcelHow(ByVal inputString As String) As String
    Dim lastSpaceIndex As Integer
    lastSpaceIndex = InStrRev(inputString, " ")
    If lastSpaceIndex > 0 Then
        RemoveLastWord_ExcelHow = Left(inputString, lastSpaceIndex - 1)
        RemoveLastWord_ExcelHow = ""
    End If
End Function

In Cell E1, type the following formula, press Enter key to apply it:

How to Remove the FirstLast Word from Text string in Cell vba 4.png

5. Video: Remove the First/Last Word from Text string in Cell

This video will demonstrate how to remove the first/last word from a text string using a formula and VBA code.

6. Related Functions

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