How to Count Unique Numeric Values in a Range in Excel

This post will guide you how to count unique numeric values in the given range in Excel 2013/2016 or Excel office 365. How do I count the unique numeric values in a list of data with some duplicate values using a formula in Excel. And you can use a formula that uses the SUM function together with the FREQUENCY function to count unique values in a range.

COUNT Unique Numeric Values

Assuming you have a list of data range B1:B6 in your worksheet and you wish to count the number of unique numeric values using a formula. And the below introduction will show you the ways to achieve the result. The generic formula is like this:


count unique numberic values7

Note: if you are working in Excel 365 version, and you can use a dedicated function called UNIQUE to count unique values. It can be used to count unique values including numeric or text values.

Let’s See How This Formula Works:


count unique numberic values1

The FREQUENCY function can be used to count each of numeric value in the range B1:B6, and returns an array result, like this:


count unique numberic values2

From the above array result, you can see that the FREQUENCY function returns zero for any numbers that appear more that once in the data array, which is why values are zero once a number has been counted.

= FREQUENCY(B1:B6,B1:B6)>0

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You need to test each values that is greater than zero. The array result is like this:


count unique numberic values4

Echo “TRUE” value represents a unique numeric value in the range B1:B6, and you still need to add up the TRUE values with the SUM function.

= –(FREQUENCY(B1:B6,B1:B6)>0)

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The SUM function can be used to add up logic values in an array, and you need to coerce those values into 1 or 0 by the double negative operator


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Finally, you can use the SUM function to adds these values up in the above result array and return the total number is 4. Also you can use the SUMPRODUCT function to sum the values in the given array.

You can also use another way to count unique numeric values that is to use the COUNTIF function on the larger data list.

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