How to Reverse First Name and Last Name

This post explains that how to flip or reverse the first name and last name in one column. How to reverse the first name and last name in each cell in one column in excel. How to flip the first name and last name with excel formula or excel VBA macro.

If you need to reverse first name and last name in a column and then put the result into another cell in another column.  You need to get or extract the first name or last name firstly and then combine those names into the same cell. You can write an excel formula or write a new excel VBA code to achieve it.

1. Reverse First Name and Last Name with excel formula

To reverse first name and last name, you can create a formula based on the MID function, the FIND function and the Len function as follows:

=MID(B2&" " &B2, FIND(" ",B2)+1, LEN(B2))

Let’s see how this formula works:

=B2&” ” &B2

reverse first name and last name1

This formula will use the concatenate operator to join text string in B2 with text string in B2 again to generate a new text string. Then we just need to extract the second and third words from the new text string.

= FIND(” “,B2)+1

reverse first name and last name2

This formula will return the position of the first space character in text string of Cell B2.  Then it will pass into the MID function as its start_num argument.

 = LEN(B2)

It will return the length of the text string in Cell B2, then it will pass into the MID function as its num_chars argument.

=MID(B2&” ” &B2, FIND(” “,B2)+1, LEN(B2))

reverse first name and last name3

2. Reverse First Name and Last Name with excel VBA macro

You can also write an excel macro to reverse the first name and last name, you can refer to the following steps:

1# click on “Visual Basic” command under DEVELOPER Tab.

Get the position of the nth using excel vba1

2# then the “Visual Basic Editor” window will appear.

3# click “Insert” ->”Module” to create a new module

convert column number to letter3

4# paste the below VBA code into the code window. Then clicking “Save” button.

reverse name111
Sub ReverseName()
    Set myRange = Application.Selection
    Set myRange = Application.InputBox("Select one Range that you want to reverse name", "ReverseName", myRange.Address, Type:=8)
    myDelemiter = Application.InputBox("Please type a delimiter character:", "ReverseName", " ", Type:=2)
    For Each myCell In myRange
        xValue = myCell.Value
        NameList = VBA.Split(xValue, myDelemiter)
        If UBound(NameList) = 1 Then
            myCell.Value = NameList(1) + myDelemiter + NameList(0)
        End If
End Sub

5# back to the current worksheet, then run the above excel macro.

reverse first name and last name8

6# select the range of cells that contains the first name and last name, then click “OK” button.

reverse name112

7# enter one delemiter character, such as: sapce character in the text box. Then click OK button.

reverse name113

8# you will see that the first name and last name have been reversed in the selected range of cells.

reverse first name and last name6

3. Video: Reverse First Name and Last Name

Welcome to an Excel video tutorial, we’re unveiling a powerful skill—how to reverse first names and last names in Excel. Join us as we explore two dynamic methods—one harnessing the power of Excel formulas and the other leveraging VBA code.

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