We enter a list of numbers or products and there are some duplicates in the list, if we want to just do count for the unique values and exclude the duplicates, how can we do? Now you can follow the below steps to solve this question by formula quickly.
Prepare a list of products and there are some duplicates among the list. See example below:

And we want to count the total product type in one year, how can we do count?

If we just use sum formula to do count, then duplicates will be included, so we need another formula to do count excludes the duplicates. See steps below.
Table of Contents
1. Count Unique Values Excluding Duplicates by Formula in Excel
Step 1: In E2 which is saved the total product type number, enter the formula:
Where B1:B11 is the range you want to count the unique values.

Step 2: Click Enter and get the result in E2. We can check the result is 6, and the duplicates are not included.

In above sample, we do count for unique values and get the result 6, because we have six products A\B\C\D\E\F, and if we want to only count the unique values exclude all duplicates like product A\B\C (they appeared more than one season) how can we do count? See below steps.
2. Count Unique Values Excluding All Duplicates by Formula in Excel
Step 1: In E2 which is saved the total product type number, enter the formula:
Where B1:B11 is the range you want to count the unique values.

Step2: Click Enter and get the result in E2. We can check the result is 3 (Product D\E\F are unique values and only appeared in one season).

3. Video: Count Only Unique Values Excluding Duplicates
If you want to learn how to count only unique values excluding duplicates in Excel, this video will show you a simple and effective formula that you can use in any situation.
4. Related Functions
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