How to Count Cells That Contain Specific Text

This post will discuss that how to count the number of cells that contain specific text or certain text in a specified cells of range in Excel. How to get the total number of cells that contain certain text.

 Count Cells That Contain Specific Text

Assuming that you have a data of list in range B1:B6 that contains some office products and you want to count the number of cells that contain “Excel” in B1:B6. You can use the SUM function in combination with the IF function to create a complex Excel Array Formula as follows:

{=SUM(IF(B1:B6="Excel",1,0)) }

Note: when entering this formula into the formula box, you need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter shortcuts to change this formula as an Array formula.

Let’s see how this formula works:


count cells that contain certain text1

This formula will check each cell if it is equal to the specified text string “Excel”, if so, then return value 1. Otherwise, returns value 0.  So this array formula returns another array list like this: {1;0;0;0;0;1}. This array list will pass into the SUM function as its argument.


count cells that contain certain text2

The SUM function will count the values in the array list that returned by the IF function. So it returns value 2.

You can also use another function COUNTIF to achieve the same result. You can use the following formula with COUNTIF function to count the number of cells that contain “Excel” text string in range B1:B6.


count cells that contain certain text3

The COUNTIF function will count the number of cells in the specified range that contain “Excel” string by matching the content of each cell. And you can also use the wildcard in the criteria argument of COUNTIF.

Another Excel formula can be used to count the number of cells that contain Excel text string, this formula will use the SUMPRODUCT function in combination with the ISNUMBER function and the FIND function as follows:


count cells that contain certain text4

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