Get the Position of Second or Third of the Specified Character within a String

In the previous post, we have talked that how to split text string by a specified character in excel and it need to get the position of the first specified character within a string. And this post will guide you how to get the position of the second or third specified character in a text.

Get the Position of Second of the Specified Character

To locate the position of the second or third of the specified character in a cell, you need to use the SUBSTITUTE function within the FIND function. You can refer to the following Excel formula:


Get the Position of Second or Third of the Specified Character1

Suppose that you want to get the position of the second dash character “-”in Cell B1, you need to use SUBSTITUTE function to replace the second dash character with new character “@”in Cell B1. Then using FIND function to search the specified character @ in the returned result of the SUBSTITUTE function. It will return the position of the second specified character “-“ in Cell B1.

 Get the Position of Third of the Specified Character

If you want to get the position of the third specified character in cell B1, than you can use the below formula:


Get the Position of Second or Third of the Specified Character1

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