Extract matching values From Two Lists

Suppose that you are working with two lists containing few values, and you want to extract the matching values from those two lists into another separate list. You might prefer to manually extract the matching values from the two lists, which is ok for the few values, but it would be a big deal to extract the matching values from the two lists having multiple cells, and doing it manually would be a foolish attempt because there are 90% chances that you would 100% get tired of it and would never complete your work on time.

But don’t be worry about it because after carefully reading this article, extracting the matching values from the two lists into another separate list would become a piece of cake for you.

So let’s dive into the article to take you out of this fix.

extract matching values from two list1

General Formula

The Following Formula would help you compare and extract the matching values from the two lists into another separate list.


This Formula is based on the FILTER and COUNTIF functions, where the table1(A2:A9) and table2 (B2:B8) are the named ranges, the list in the range (D2:D6) is the list containing the matching values by comparing both table1 and table2.

Syntax Explanations

Before going into the explanation of the Formula for getting the work done efficiently, we must understand each syntax which would make it easy for you that how each syntax contributes to executing the matching values from the two lists into another separate list:

  • Filter: This function contributes to narrowing down or filtering out a range of data on the user-defined criteria.
  • COUNTIF: It is a statistical function that counts the number of cells to meet specific criteria.
  • List: In this Formula, the list represents the two lists present in the excel worksheet to execute the common values.
  • Comma symbol (,): In Excel, this comma symbol acts as a separator that helps to separate a list of values.
  • Parenthesis (): The core purpose of this Parenthesis symbol is to group the elements and separate them from the rest of the elements.

Let’s See How This Formula Works

The FILTER function is used in this Formula to extract data based on a logical test created using the COUNTIF function:


extract matching values from two list1

The COUNTIF function is being used to generate the actual filter.


It’s worth noticing that we’re using table2 as the range argument and table1 as the criterion argument. In other words, we’re asking COUNTIF to count all values in table1 that occur in table2. We obtain an array with several results since we provide COUNTIF various values for criteria:


extract matching values from two list1

Note that the array has 8 counts for each element in the table1. A zero value denotes a value in a table1 that is not present in the table2. Any other positive number denotes a value in table1 that is also present in table2. As the include parameter, this array is passed straight to the FILTER function:


extract matching values from two list1

The array is used as a filter by the filter function. Any item in the table1 connected with a zero would be eliminated, but any value related to a positive number would retain.

Extract Non-matching Values

If you want to remove the non-matching values from table1, values in table1 that do not present in table2, we would need to modify the above formula, which is stated as follows:


The NOT function reverses the COUNTIF result, and every non-zero integer returns FALSE, and any zero value returns TRUE. The output is a list of all the values in the table1 that aren’t on the table2.

extract matching values from two list1

Method two: Extract Matching Values Using INDEX

You can also create a newly formula to extract matching values without the FILTER function, but the Formula would become more complicated. And the formula based on the INDEX function. Like below:


extract matching values from two list1

Except in Excel 365, this array formula must be typed using control + shift + enter.

The INDEX function, which takes table1 as an array parameter, lies at the heart of this Formula. The majority of the remaining Formula determines the row number for matching values. This expression creates a list of relative row numbers as follows:

=ROW(table1)-ROW(INDEX(table1,1,1)) +1

which yields a 12-number array reflecting the rows in table1:


extract matching values from two list1

These are filtered using the IF function and the same methodology used above in the FILTER Function, but this time using the COUNTIF function:

=COUNTIF(table2,table1) / identify values that match

extract matching values from two list1


The resultant array is as follows:

{1;2;FALSE;4;FALSE; FALSE;7;8; }

As the Formula is copied along the column, this array is sent immediately to the SMALL function.

The IFERROR function is designed to catch mistakes when a formula is copied down, and the matching values run out.

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