Excel IF Function With Numbers

Normally, If you want to write an IF formula for numbers in combining with the  logical operators in excel, such as: greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to.etc.

The generic IF formula with logical operator for number values is as below:


Excel IF formula for range of numbers

If you want to check if a cell values is between two values or checking for the range of numbers or multiple values in cells, at this time, we need to use AND or OR logical function in combination with the logical operator and IF function.

For example, you need to check if the value in cell B1 is between values in Cell A1 and A3, then we can write down the following excel IF formula:


We can enter the above formula into the formula bar in the cell C1 and then press the Enter key. And rag the Fill Handle to the range C1:C3.it will apply for the other cells for this formula.

Excel IF Function Examples For Numbers1

Excel IF formula for negative numbers

If you want to create an IF formula to display some text string in cells if the value in cell falls between the range negative numbers -10 to positive numbers 10.

Actually, whatever negative numbers or positive numbers, we still can use AND or OR logical function to create a logical test in IF formula. we can write down the following IF formula:

=IF(AND(B1>-10, B1<10),”good”,”bad”)

Excel IF Function Examples For Numbers2

Also, we can use another excel function ABS() to achieve the same results. Let’s see the below IF formula in combination with ABS function.


Excel IF Function Examples For Numbers3

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