Two-way Lookup Formula

This post explains that how to use two way lookup formula to find a value in a table or in a two dimensional range in excel. How to lookup a value in a table using given row and column with INDEX and MATCH functions. Or how to do perform a two way lookup with VLOOKUP function.

As the lookup functions in excel are only support to perform one-way lookups, so there is no built-in function to do a two-way lookup, the below will talk that how to create a new excel formula to perform two-way lookup in excel.


Two way lookup with index/match

If you want to look up a value in a table using both rows and columns, you can use a combination with the INDEX function and the MATCH function to create an excel formula. For example, if you have a salary table and you want to find jenny’s salary in Sep in the two dimensional range A1:C5, you can write down the following two-way lookup formula with INDEX function and MATCH function:


Let’s see how this formula works:

The MATCH function returns the relative position of a lookup value in the range A1:A5 or A1:C1. And the match_type is set to 0, it means that the MATCH function lookup the first match of the value that is exactly equal to the lookup value.

= MATCH(“jenny”,A1:A5,0)

two way lookup excel

So the first MATCH function returns the first position of string “jenny” in the range A1:A5. It returns 3. It will goes into the INDEX function as its row_num argument.

= MATCH(“Sep”,A1:C1,0)


And the second MATCH function will return the position of the first occurrence of the string “Sep” in the range A1:C1. It returns 2 and it will goes into the INDEX function as its column_num argument.

two way lookup excel

So we can get the row number as 3 and the column number is 2 from the MATCH function.



The INDEX function returns the value at the intersection of row 3 and column 2 in the range A1:C5.

two way lookup excel3

Two way lookup with VLOOKUP

You can also use the VLOOKUP function to build an excel formula to perform a two-way lookup in excel. You can try to use the following formula:


Let’s see how this formula works:


As I said above, the MATCH function returns the relative position of the first occurrence of the string “Sep” in the range A1:C1. It returns 2. This value will go into the VLOOKUP function as its column_index_num argument.



two way lookup4

The VLOOKUP function lookup string “jenny” in the first column of the range A1:C5 and then returns the value in the same row based on the column_index_num value returned by the above MATCH function.

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