The different between FIND and SEARCH functions

There are two big differences between FIND and SEARCH functions in excel.

  • The FIND function is case-sensitive. And the SEARCH function is case-insensitive.
  • The FIND function is not allow to use wildcard. But the SEARCH function is allow to use wildcard characters.

 The FIND function is case-sensitive

If you want to locate the position of a sub string within another text string, you can use the FIND function in excel.


find vs search1

The SEARCH function is case-insensitive

If you want to get the position of a sub string within a text string in cell B1, using the SEARCH function in excel.


find vs search1

Using wildcard characters in SEARCH function

There are two wildcard characters can be used by the SEARCH function in excel.

qustion mark (?)-matches one character

asterisk (*) – matches one or more other characters.


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