How to Sum Numbers from 1 to N

This post will guide you how to sum the numbers from 1 to N in Excel Worksheet. How do I sum the integers from 1 to N with an excel formula. How to write an excel formula to calculate 1+2+3+…+N in excel.

Normally, we can use the SUM function to sum a list of numbers easily. But if you supply a number N and you want to calculate the numbers from 1 to N . How to achieve it.

Method 1: Sum Numbers from 1 to N using SUMPRODUCT Function

Assuming that you supply a number 100, and you want to sum the numbers from 1 to 100 (1+2+3+…+100), you need to create a formula based on the SUMPRODUCT function, the ROW function and the INDIRECT function to achieve the result. Like this:


Type this formula into the formula box of a blank cell and press Enter key in your keyboard.

sum numbers from 1 to n1

You will see that the numbers from 1 to 100 has been added up. And you just need to update the end number in Cell C2 as you need to sum numbers.

Method 2: Sum Numbers from 1 to N using VBA Code

Now, let’s explore the second method, utilizing VBA code for a more dynamic and programmatic approach to summing numbers.

For a hands-on solution, open the Visual Basic for Applications editor by pressing ‘Alt + F11.’ Insert a new module by right-clicking on the left pane, selecting ‘Insert,’ and then choosing ‘Module.’

Paste the following code into the module:

Function SumNumbersOneToN(n As Long) As Long
    SumNumbersOneToN = n * (n + 1) / 2
End Function

This VBA function, named ‘SumNumbersOneToN,’ employs the mathematical formula for the sum of consecutive integers.

To use it, return to your Excel workbook, enter a cell, and input the formula:


 replacing ‘100’ with your desired upper limit.

Press Enter, and witness the VBA code seamlessly summing numbers from 1 to N in Excel.

3. Video: Sum Numbers from 1 to N

This Excel video tutorial where we’ll tackle the task of summing numbers from 1 to N using two distinct methods – a formula-based approach leveraging the SUMPRODUCT function, and a hands-on solution using VBA.

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