How to Send Current Workbook Directly through Outlook in Excel


After editing current worksheet (workbook) we often want to send this workbook to others to share information or assign task directly by email. Though we can launch our Outlook mailbox, add it as attachment and then send it. Actually, we have other ways to send it through Outlook in excel directly. This article will introduce you two ways to send current workbook through Outlook by some commands or by VBA code. You can choose one by your personal preference.

Suppose we already completed workbook editing and just want to send it to others as soon as possible. So, we can use below two methods to send it through Outlook quickly.

Method 1: Send Workbook Directly through Outlook in Excel by Send as Attachment

Step 1: In excel ribbon, click File->Share->Email, then in Email control panel, select Send as Attachment.

Screenshot: Click File.

Send Workbook Outlook 1

Screenshot: Share->Email->Send as Attachment.

Send Workbook Outlook 2

Step 2: Then Outlook message edit window will pop up. You can find out the book1 is already attached automatically. And you can edit your email, and type To and CC, update subject, then send it directly.

Send Workbook Outlook 33


  1. This function is only applied for Outlook.
  2. Make sure you have already configured your Outlook account.
  3. You can login your mailbox to check if this mail has been sent properly.

Method 2: Send Workbook Directly through Outlook in Excel by VBA Code

Step 1: On current visible worksheet, right click on sheet name tab to load Sheet management menu. Select View Code, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window pops up.

Or you can enter Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window via Developer->Visual Basic.

Step 2: In Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, click Insert->Module, enter below code in Module1:

Sub SendWorkbookInExcel()

Set outlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set OutlookItem = outlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

On Error Resume Next

With OutlookItem

    .To = ""

    .CC = ""

    .Subject = "Send Workbook Through Outlook in Excel"

    .Body = "Hello, Send Workbook Through Outlook in Excel, BRs excelhow"

    .Attachments.Add Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName


End With

Set OutlookItem = Nothing

Set outlookApp = Nothing

End Sub


For below parameters, you can change with your own information.

    .To = ""

    .CC = ""

    .Subject = "Send Workbook Through Outlook in Excel"

    .Body = "Hello, Send Workbook Through Outlook in Excel, BRs excelhow"

    .Attachments.Add Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName


Step 3: Save the codes, see screenshot below. And then quit Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

Send Workbook Outlook 4

Step 4: Click Developer->Macros to run Macro. Select ‘SendWorkbookInExcel’ and click Run. (You can also click F5 in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications to run macro directly.)

Send Workbook Outlook 5

Step 5: Verify that below message pops up. Click Allow. And mail is sent through Outlook refer to your settings in VBA module properly. If you want to cancel sending process, click Deny instead.

Send Workbook Outlook 6


  1. This function is only applied for Outlook.
  2. Make sure you have already configured your Outlook account.
  3. You can login your mailbox to check if this mail has been sent properly.


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