Excel WORKDAY.INTL Function

This post will guide you how to use Excel WORKDAY.INTL function with syntax and examples in Microsoft excel.


The Excel WORKDAY.INTL function returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays. And this function allow you to exclude weekends and holidays as non-working days. You can use the WORKDAY.INTL function to calculate working days excluding weekdays and holidays.

The WORKDAY.INTL function is a build-in function in Microsoft Excel and it is categorized as a DATE and TIME Function.

The WORKDAY.INTL function is available in Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000, Excel 2011 for Mac.


The syntax of the WORKDAY.INTL function is as below:

= WORKDAY.INTL (start_date, days, [weekend], [holidays])

Where the WORKDAY.INTL function arguments is:

  • Start_date –This is a required argument. The starting date from which you want to count the number of working days. The date should be typed as a valid Excel time a serial date.
  • days – This is a required argument. The number of working days that you want to add. A positive value for days yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date.
  • Weekend – This is an optional argument. Determine which days of the week that are weekend days and are not considered working days. Weekend is a weekend number and it can be one of the following numbers.
weekend-number Weekend days
1 or omitted Saturday, Sunday
2 Sunday, Monday
3 Monday, Tuesday
4 Tuesday, Wednesday
5 Wednesday, Thursday
6 Thursday, Friday
7 Friday, Saturday
11 Sunday only
12 Monday only
13 Tuesday only
14 Wednesday only
15 Thursday only
16 Friday only
17 Saturday only
  • holidays – This is an optional argument. The list of holidays that you want to exclude from the working days. It can be a range of cells that contain the holiday dates or it can be a list of serial numbers that represent the holiday dates.


  • If any argument is not a valid Excel date, a #VALUE! Error is returned.
  • If start date value plus days is an invalid date, the WORKDAY function returns #NUM! Error.
  • A serial date is how the Microsoft Excel stores dates and it represents the number of days since 1900-01-01, so the January 1, 1900 date is serial number 1 by default.
  • If days value is not a integer number, it will be truncated.
  • If a weekend string is of invalid length or contains invalid characters, WORKDAY.INTL returns the #VALUE! Error value.

Excel WORKDAY.INTL Function Examples

The below examples will show you how to use Excel WORKDAY.INTL Function to return the working days from the start date.

1# get the date 50 workdays from the starting date “3/20/2018”, counting Sunday and Monday as a weekend day, so the weekend argument should be 2, enter the following formula in Cell B1.


excel workdayintl examples1

2# get the date 50 workdays from the starting date “3/20/2018”, excluding holidays 5/1/2018, and counting only Sundays as weekend day, the weekend argument should be 11, type the following formula in Cell B2.


excel workdayintl examples2

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