How to Use COUNTIFS function with Multiple Criteria and OR Logic in Excel

This post will guide you how to Use COUNTIFS function with multiple criteria and OR logic in Excel 2013/2016 or Excel office 365. How to count with multiple criteria and OR logic in Excel.

COUNTIFS with Multiple Criteria and OR Logic

Normally, when you provide multiple conditions to a COUNTIFS function, and it will check all the conditions and returns rows which matches all the conditions, it means that it runs on AND logic.

If you want to count with multiple conditions and OR logic in your formula, and you can also use the COUNTIFS function to achieve OR logic. Then you still need to use the SUM function and array with multiple condition.

The generic formula is as below:



Assuming that you have a list of data in range B1:B6 in your worksheet, and you wish to count product name which is “excel” or “word”, and you can use the COUNTIFS function with an array constant. The formula is like this:


countifs function with multiple criteria or logic1

Let’s See That How This Formula Works:


countifs function with multiple criteria or logic2

The COUNTIFS function can be used to match each item of condition array {“excel”, “word”} and return count of each item in another array list. It means that it will return two values, one is a count for “excel” and another is a count for “word”, the array result is like this:


countifs function with multiple criteria or logic3

Finally, you can use the SUM function to add up all items in an array.

Adding Two or Multiple Criteria with OR Logic

You can also add two or more criteria to this formula to count multiple criteria using COUNTIFS function with OR logic in Excel. You ‘ll need to add another single column array for one or add another single column array for the other criteria. For example, you wish to count product names that are “excel” or “word”, another criteria is “2016” or “2013”, you can use the below formula:


countifs function with multiple criteria or logic4

Related Functions

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