How to split number into each individual digit in columns in Excel?

If you want to split a number with more than one digits into each individual digit in each column, what you can do? I think you can use the combination of MID and COLUMN functions to resolve your issue. Please see the method below in this article.

Let’s study the two functions first.

#1 MID function is used for capturing a specified length of characters from a string.

The formula is = MID(text, start_num, num_chars).

#2 COLUMN function is used for returning the column number refer to the entering reference.

The formula is = COLUMN(reference)

COLUMN() without any reference returns the current column number for the selected cell. See example below.

How to split number into each individual digit in columns in Excel 1

Then we can start to learn how can we split a number into each individual digit.

#1 First, prepare a number like 12345678. We can try to cut the first digit from this number. Enter =MID(A2,1,1) in B2 for example. A2 is the cell for number, 1 is the start position, 1 is the length of digit. We get the result below.

How to split number into each individual digit in columns in Excel 2

#2 For MID function, the second parameter ‘start_num’, we can use COLUMN function to replace manual entering the start position. For example, we can enter =MID(A2,COLUMN(),1) in B2 to get the split digit.

How to split number into each individual digit in columns in Excel 3

Verify that we get the returned value 2. That’s because COLUMN() returns the current column number, and the selected cell is B2, so the MID function equals to =MID(A2,2,1), so the returned value is 2.


#3 If we want to get eight individual digits from number 12345678 and put them into column B2 to I2. How can we do it? In above sample we can know COLUMN() returns 2 for B2, so if we want to get the first digit from number 12345678 into B2, we need to get return value 1, so we can use COLUMN()-1 as start number criteria.

How to split number into each individual digit in columns in Excel 4

#4 In cell C2 we need to get the second individual digit from number in A2, so we add $ before A2 in formula =MID($A2,COLUMN()-1,1), in this case we can directly drag B2 and use this formula to fill C2:I2.

How to split number into each individual digit in columns in Excel 5

Notes, if we still use formula =MID(A2,COLUMN()-1,1) without $ before A2, in C2 the formula will change to =MID(B2,COLUMN()-1,1) improperly.

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