How to Ignore Error Values When Calculating the Average in Excel

This post will guide you how to ignore error values when getting average for a range of cells in Excel. How do I average a range of cells ignoring error values, such as: #div/0!.

Assuming that you have a list of range of cells that you want to calculate the average of those cells which including error values , such as: #div/0 or #NAME?, etc. When you use the Average function to calculate those cells, you will get an error result. So How to handle this in Excel.

average cells ignore error1

If you want to ignoring any errors that might exist in the given range, you can use AVERAGEIF function or AVERAGE function with IF function to achieve the result. Like this:







average cells ignore error2

average cells ignore error3

Note: The second and third formula need to press Ctrl + Shift +  Enter keys, as those formulas are Array Formula. A1:C4 is the data range that you wish to average. And you need to change it as you need.

Let’s see how the first formula works: the AVERAGEIF function can be used to calculate an average of numeric values with one or more criteria for a given range. And In this example, the criteria is the expression “>=0”, it will filter out all error values, and just to calculate the positive numeric values in the given range.


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