How to Get Another Cell Value If One Cell Equals in Excel

This post will guide you how to extract another cell value if one specified cell equals to a given value or an adjacent cell value using a formula in Excel 2013/2016/2019/365. Normally, if you want to do some operation when a given cell equals a certain value, and you can create a new formula based on IF function to test that value, then do something if the test result is TRUE, otherwise, do something else if the test result is FALSE.

1. Get Another Cell Value If One Cell Equals in Excel

Assuming that you have a list of data in range A1:C5, and you want to extract cell values from column C when the corresponding cell value in Column A equals the adjacent cell values in Column B, if True, return the corresponding Cell value in Column C. How to achieve it.

You can use the following formula:


You need to enter the above formula into a blank cell and then drag it down to other cells to apply this formula.

get another cell value if equals1
Note: Cell A1 and Cell B1 are the two cells that you wish to compare, and Cell C1 is the cell value that you want to extract.

There is another example based on the following data table, you just simply want to get cell Value in Column B when the Cell value in Column C equals to “70$”.

get another cell value if equals2

You can use the below formula:


The logic test for the above formula is:


This will return True Value if Cell C1 value equals a certain value “70$”, otherwise, returns FALSE.

get another cell value if equals3

We only need to take action when the result of the logic test is TRUE. And here it will return the corresponding cell value in Column B when the cell value in Column C equals “70$”. And if the cell value is not “70$”, it will return an empty string.

For the above formula, if you did not specify that empty string when the logic test is FALSE, and the formula would display FALSE whenever the Cell value is not “70$”.

Actually, you can also do something more complicated operation as well. For example, you wish to increase the sales when the price is equal to “70$” by 100. In this case, you can could use the below formula based on IF function:


From the above screenshot, and you would see that the original value in Column B has been increased by 100 when the cell value in Column C is “70$”.

get another cell value if equals4

2. Video: Get Another Cell Value If One Cell Equals in Excel

This video will demonstrate how to retrieve another cell value if a specific cell matches a certain criteria in Excel.

3. Related Functions

  • Excel IF function
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