Excel Vlookup From Another Workbook

This post will guide you how to lookup value from another workbook in Excel. How do I use VLOOKUP function across multiple workbooks in Excel. How to vlookup a value from another workbook with a formula in Excel.

Excel Vlookup From Another Workbook

Before we use the VLOOKUP function to look for a value in current workbook. Assuming that you have request that look for value across multiple workbook. How to achieve it. You can use the VLOOKUP function with a full reference to the other workbook. Like this formula:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,[Book2.xlsx]Sheet1!$C$1:$C$2,1,FALSE)), "FALSE", "TRUE")

This formula will search the range of cells in Book1.xlsx workbook to look for values in range of cell C1:C2 in workbook Book2.xlsx. if found, return TRUE, otherwise, return FALSE.

The syntax for external references is:


The Book2.xlsx is the name of the external workbook.

Sheet1 is the name of the sheet of the external workbook.

!$C$1:$C$2 is the range of cells that you need to use in the external sheet.

Type this formula in a cell B1 in current worksheet and press Enter key.

vlookup from another worksheet

You will see that the VLOOKUP function will call the data from external workbook(book2.xlsx) and get the expected result in the column B.

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